Our environment is important to us

At Medinova AG, we strive to reduce our waste wherever possible and to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way – because our environment is important to us.

According to a study by the European statistical office Eurostat1, each Swiss citizen produces 706 kg of waste per year. This puts Switzerland in third place after Denmark (781 kg) and Norway (748 kg).

On the other hand, the recycling culture in Switzerland is impressive. Compared to other European countries, Switzerland recycles 217 kg per capita, which is far above the EU average of 81 kg.

But why do the Swiss produce so much waste? According to the FOEN2, this is due to the high standard of living and the associated consumption, which has increased sharply in recent years.

The current trend to counteract the increasing waste problem is the “Zero Waste” principle. The aim is not to abandon everything, but to question the big picture of our consumer behaviour and to consume more intelligently with greater personal responsibility. This principle is based on the following 5Rs:

  • Refuse: avoid what we do not need (e.g. plastic)
  • Reduce: buy less, but better quality
  • Reuse: reusing things
  • Recycle: correct waste disposal
  • Rot: composting

We at Medinova AG are also making efforts to reduce our waste step by step. As part of the “Zero Waste” project, we have introduced our own waste separation and recycling system. In addition, last September we participated in the international Clean Up Day and, together with some staff members, cleared the streets in the neighbourhood around our office of litter. We will repeat this action this year.

The goal of the “Zero Waste” project is to help to relieve the burden on the environment as a committed Swiss company. We are also committed to increase the awareness of all employees for this topic and we encourage them to make their contribution in their private lives.

Sources: 1. European Statistical Office Eurostat, 2017; 2. FOEN Federal Office for the Environment, 2018